Signs of Success®

YESCO Presented Key to the Las Vegas Strip

(Michael Naft, Mike Young, Nathan Young, Jeff Young)

YESCO, the 100-year-old company known for creating, repairing and maintaining internationally recognizable signs, received a key to the Las Vegas Strip in honor of its centennial year and contributions to the Southern Nevada landscape at the November 17, 2020 meeting of the Clark County Commission.

Commissioner Michael Naft presented a proclamation and the ceremonial key to YESCO’s President and Chief Executive Officer Michael T. Young, Senior Vice President Jeffrey S. Young and Nathan Young. Mike and Jeff represent the third and Nathan the fourth generation of the Young family, whose patriarch, Thomas Young, Sr., founded the company in Ogden, Utah, in 1920.

“YESCO has employed thousands of Southern Nevada citizens since beginning their operation in Las Vegas in 1932,” said Naft. “We are pleased to honor YESCO for ‘100 years of light’ and for their contributions to Clark County and the State of Nevada.”

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