Signs of Success®

What is the effectiveness of signage?

The effectiveness of signage depends in large part on the strategy a hotel, retailer, restaurant, hospital, or organization adopts to spread brand awareness, attract people, inform, guide and increase revenue. There are several factors that can increase a sign’s effectiveness. Location and visibility are the most important considerations because if a sign is not being seen by the intended audience then it’s serving no purpose. Where a sign is placed requires an understanding of how the audience will come upon it. For instance, will they be traveling by car or on foot and does it need to be read from a reasonable distance? It’s important that signs be optimally illuminated, either with LED lighting or other sources. An effective sign is easy to read and the information it relates is quickly grasped by the viewer.. Good signage should contain information of relevance and value to the audience, especially when used to enhance promotional advertising or for wayfinding and directional information. . Most businesses and organizations deploy a combination of exterior and interior signage, so it’s important for brand and design elements to remain consistent throughout both. An effective sign is made of quality materials and regularly maintained to keep up appearances. People avoid businesses where signage is in disrepair or shabby looking. Calls-to-action, if included, should be prominently displayed, be direct, and give the viewer all the information that’s needed to make a decision.

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