Signs of Success®

Full Service Tax Lease

Property Tax and Insurance

Property tax payments are included in lease payments and related tax reports are YESCO’s responsibility. Lease payments also include damage coverage, as well as liability coverage. Should the sign be damaged, it will be repaired or replaced at no additional cost to you. YESCO takes the risks of casualty loss or accidental damage.

Tax Effect

Studies by the American Association of Equipment Lessors (AAEL) and numerous other leasing consultants acknowledge that profitable businesses frequently realize lower after-tax net present value costs from leasing than from acquiring equipment. For income tax purposes, tax lease payments are fully deductible as a business expense under IRS Code Section 162 and Revenue Ruling 55-540.


YESCO clients find it very convenient to make one monthly payment for all sign-related services (sign rental, maintenance, damage and liability coverage and property tax.)

Use Preference Over Ownership

YESCO tax lease clients have come to realize that the profitable use of equipment for advertising is far more important to the production of income than is ownership. In other words, it is the use rather than the ownership that produces profits. Risks of ownership are better handled by YESCO. We have the maintenance and management expertise to maximize the benefits of leasing electrical advertising.

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