Signs of Success®

What can digital signage do?

The possibilities of digital signage as marketing, communication, and educational tools appear to show few limitations. As a marketing tool, digital signage increases brand recognition. In fact, according to, 90% of the information the human brain receives is visual. The human brain is able to process visual information 60,000 times faster than text. For this reason, many brands are using videos, infographics, and other visuals to grow their businesses. Also, digital signage increases brand recognition:

  • 47% of consumers remembering seeing a specific ad or message.
  • Interestingly, recall increases to 55% in the case of outdoor digital billboards
  • 80% of consumers say they have entered a store because a digital sign interested them.
  • 4 out of 5 brands experienced a 33% increase in sales after including digital signage
  • Just one on-premise digital sign adds an average of 4.75% in annual sales revenue

Digital signage in healthcare, banking, and other businesses can keep patients and customers stay engaged and entertained, while waiting in line at banks, and while waiting in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Because waiting in line is often perceived as a longer period of time than it actually is, keeping consumers, patients, and caregivers engaged and entertained with educational material, while waiting, reduces stress for everyone involved. Digital signage in healthcare elicits many benefits for patients and healthcare providers alike. These, according to include:

  • 64% of physicians state that digital communications  are  expected to help alleviate the burden on healthcare workers, reducing their workloads.
  • Hospital digital signage messaging has been well received by 75% of patients and caregivers, who find it helpful in understanding their health needs and enhancing hospital experiences.
  • Three out of four people who view digital signage in hospitals can recall one or more messages.

Internal digital signage in the corporate world works to increase employees’ sense of value motivates employees to perform better, and improves retention rates.

  • 85% of employees are motivated when management provides regular updates regarding the company’s core values, news, and updates.
  • Digital signage is growing  in popularity as a  communication channel among communications professionals, with 50% using it to convey their internal messages.
  • Digital signage in the workplace plays a crucial role in employee recognition, with 60% of employees inspired to work harder when they feel appreciated.
  • Utilizing  digital signage for internal communication purposes can result in increased employee productivity by 25 percent.

Education applications for digital signage helps students and staff stay informed about current events and better manage emergencies, such as alerting  students, faculty, and staff to an active shooter situation on campus. In a variety of ways, digital signage in schools is increasing student engagement and outcomes. Some of these ways include:

  • ​​Wayfinding at 43%, room signs at 43%, and third-party advertising at 14% account are the most common uses of digital signage systems.
  • 96% of students agree that video positively impacts their learning.
  • Integrating technology into education has led to a 45% reduction in student stress levels, a 46% improvement in confidence, and a 57% increase in efficiency.
  • 97% of students favor digital channels over non-digital methods for information delivery.
  • 96% of students are able to remember the content of digital signage
  • Because over 40% of schools lack instructions for how to proceed in the event of an emergency, the demand for emergency messaging is growing.

Digital signage usage in every sector is increasing as people respond to digital messaging at higher rates and with increased recall than with traditional signage. Studies show that students respond better to digital signage and perform better in school as a result of digital signage that is updated often. In the corporate world, digital signage keeps employees in the loop and makes them feel valuable, positively affecting performance and employee retention. In retail and finance, digital signage keeps people engaged while waiting in line, generating better queue management. In healthcare, digital signage provides information about health conditions and other useful information that patients and caregivers can recall while in waiting rooms and hospital rooms. All in all, digital signage can perform more efficiently and more effectively than traditional signage, as digital signage can be updated remotely and can provide an interactive and immersive experience for consumers. 

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